Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I went to the Philippines for christmas, see my other blog for more details. Here are the pics from that trip!


My little cabin!

This is where I spent the majority of my time! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW I miss it so!
The beach from up on high!

The dawning of my last morning of the vacation! So sad and blue!

The beach at dusk!

This rainbow was fading by the time I got my camera but it was still amazing to see it there.

Rocks at the end of the beach. On the other side was a small private (for 2) beach that I rest at for a couple of hours. I just listened to the sound of the waves as the crashed against the rocks, watched the boats go by and was at peace!

Love the giraffee and man on that big pot and to think it only cost $10 to own it!

The Mangyan village! These are the native Filipino's. They live in absolute squaler and yet they seemed content and happy. They're handcrafts are made in the village by hand. The wood is from the jungle, stripped and weaved into these beautiful patterns and sold to the public, it is their only means of income since many of them are non educated and can't read or write. These pictures are all forbidden, it is illegal to take pics. I tried to be as sneaky as possible and wasn't sure what I was going to get, I think I did ok. I love the old woman!

The town and the local transportation!

You turn a corner in the road and WHAM! there it is and yes, that is the rest of the road going right by it!
The water runs through the valley and straight into the ocean.

And to belive I swam under this! WOW! that is all I can say! WOW!!!!!

One day I WILL learn to use this camera! These pictures show nothing of that view I still think about while coming down that mountain. Those rays of sunlight were like nothing I have ever seen before. I thanked God for them, for this vacation and for simply creating something so spectacular!

This old lighthouse area reminded me of a 1940's film noir film. It was so haunting and sad up here and yet magestic and breathtaking.